Klonopin vyvanse combo

Does the benefit outweigh the risks? I really need some support right now. If your Doctor prescribed it, it must be ok.

Taking the medication will most likely make you sleepy (the codeine) but you and your LO will be get more air to breath. Something I have found that works better - honey. Take 2 tablespoons of honey mixed in a glass of OJ, drink it a couple times a day and you'll get better really fast. Amlodipine emc side benefit is that your baby will be doing back flips after all that sugar. Did you try regular robitissin? My doctor said that was okay.. But I agree, he wouldn't have given it to you if the benefits outweighed the risks. Codeine is a catergory C drug, not recommended in pregnancy, but acceptable when used short-term and preferably not in the first trimester. I'm a labor nurse and see it used when necessary by our physicians. Also, I had pneumonia in June and tried every non-pharmacological remedy available. Like you, I hadn't even taken a Tylenol. I was prescribed Robitussin w Codeine, as well, and used it just so Antabuse shelf life could somewhat lay down and breathe. Anyhoo, all us well w us now-it managed to get us over the hump.

That said, I agree w keeping up w the honey too! I Weight loss enlisting 2 tsp of honey and 2 tsp of lemon juice in a mug of hot water-you'll have to give it a whirl! Hope you feel better soon! I've taken codeine for S D. It is safe to use in pregnancy but not a first line drug. I've had friends take codeine their entire pregnancy and their baby's were fine! The codeine will act as a cough suppressant and within a few days will have got rid of it for you. If it's so bad the pain is making you cry you'll wish you'd had it sooner once it starts working! Hope you start feeling better soon Gaga goose gambling casino ellensburg wa Thank you to all for the advice. I am using the cough syrup only at night and only if the coughing is really bad. During the day, I am drinking tea with honey, OJ with honey, honey straight up, and honey with lemon and hot water. I am hoping this cough goes away soon! Thank you for your support and advice! I had a really nasty cough a couple weeks ago sounds just like yours. I went to the urgent care and they prescribe cheritussin with codeine it seemed to help a lot.

But i Iphone rpg wireless local area network that info paper they give you at the pharmacy & it worried me a lil bit so i called my ob to make sure. I went in a couple days later to the doc & gave me a different prescribson (different cough med but still with codeine) I told her that it makes me nervous. she pretty!

I think i took the cough med 4 times and my cough was gone. Its worth a shot nobody likes taking meds when pregnant but sometimes we really need them. Hope this helps you and makes you feel a lil more comfy? This Site and third parties who place advertisements on this Site may collect and use information about your visits to this.. If you would like to obtain more information about these advertising practices and to make choices about online behavioral advertising, please click here. This drug is horrible for 1476266 baby. This drug will cause growth problems in the future. Never take drugs when you are pregnant. Actually, some drugs are ok to take according to doctors, but the fewer drugs you take, including over the counter ones and herbal remedies. You'll need to call your doctor to find out if it's safe to take it-you don't want to risk your baby.

Even if dr. says it's ok, you want to use it as sparingly as possible-doctors don't know everything. A few months of suffering is going to be so worth it when Larotid for meningitis see your new baby. Last edit by Heythereyall.

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